Why I Shoot Boudoir Photography


My hands were shaking. I was so COLD! Like way too much. Breathing harder than I expected.

This was how my own boudoir photography images were created.

It was definitely not easy getting up the courage. And I definitely did not feel confident. But just like I tell all of my amazing clients- JUST SHOW UP. So that is what I did. I showed up.

I knew it would take some time to get comfortable and my trusted boudoir photographer captured me in a totally new way.

Karla Mason Photography

I saw myself for the first time in a totally new way.

Most of the time, I do not like to show my vulnerability. Like many other women, I feel that my vulnerability may be interpreted as weakness. Yet these portraits were all about my vulnerability, femininity, and soul. I could see in a tangible way just how strong and independent I was and I was able to celebrate my inner and outer beauty for the first time in a long time.

I am not a skinny woman. I am a curvy woman.

It has taken me a long time to truly embrace my body. I have been in and out of diet programs since I was 12 years old. I always wanted to be that skinny girl who could eat potato chips— by the bag—and never gain a pound.

But as I have gotten older, and heard more stories from other women—I know now— many women who feel the opposite. of me. They want curves. They feel weird in their “skinnier” bodies— the bodies that I always admired and revered.

I know now, deep in my soul, that because of this boudoir shoot I am 100x closer to loving my body and myself more and more everyday.

I can look at these boudoir portraits when I am having a tough day and see just how fun, giggly, loving, and awesome I am. I can say wow! I did that nude shot and it was exhilarating (many of my clients choose to as well)!

Boudoir photography is all about being Real. Raw. and Vulnerable. And I truly was that day. And every day I look at those portraits.

And that is why I shoot boudoir. photography I don’t want you to pretend. I don’t want you to fake it. I want you to just BE.

Be you in all of your glory.